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Gabe’s Story: How His Struggle Helped to Destigmatize Porn Addiction

Gabe Deem, Founder of Reboot Nation, sat down with FTND to share his story of how porn affected his life and why he fights for awareness.

By October 15, 2018No Comments

Meet Gabe.

Like most youth in the world today, Gabe was exposed to hardcore porn well before the age of 18. What started as a habit driven by curiosity and a growing normalized culture around porn spiraled into a full-blown compulsive habit.

Without expecting any sort of negative effects on his relationships as a result of his years-long porn habits, as a twenty-something, he started having trouble getting and maintaining an erection in real-life sexual encounters. Looking for answers, he found thousands of guys in online forums talking about the exact same issues he was having. But what did they all have in common?

Years of regular internet porn consumption.

But weren’t guys who were addicted to internet porn creepy 40-year-olds who lived in their parents’ basements? Nope, not at all. They were regular guys just like Gabe.

Inspired to make a difference and change the conversation and remove shame and secrecy among young people who struggled with porn and its proven negative effects, Gabe started Reboot Nation. It’s a site where anyone can go and join a supportive community while they “reboot” their brains and regain optimal sexual health by ditching porn for good.

Listen to Gabe’s interview with Consider Before Consuming, a podcast by Fight the New Drug, below or by clicking here.

“The foundation of the Reboot Movement, and why it started,” Gabe said on Twitter, “Is this: people started voluntarily abstaining from internet porn in hopes to improve their own sexual health and function. Individuals wanting liberty and control of themselves, not of others.”

Check out Gabe on Twitter and for more information, and watch his video above.

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