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Want to Quit Porn? Join This Supportive Online Community

Tired of trying to quit porn all by yourself, without a non-judgmental community to support you and keep you accountable? Look no further than our affiliates at Fortify.

By October 17, 2022No Comments

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Decades of studies from respected institutions have demonstrated significant impacts of porn consumption on individuals, relationships, and society. No Porn November is all about giving visibility to these facts and empowering individuals to choose to be porn-free. Learn more by clicking here.

At Fight the New Drug, our goal as an organization is to educate and raise awareness on the harmful effects of porn to society as a whole using science, facts, and personal accounts.

But we realize for some people, this info is coming a little after the fact, and they’re already consumed by a toxic porn habit. If this is you, or someone you know, never fear—you are not alone.

Since Fight the New Drug began, we have come across tens of thousands of people who are already struggling. First and foremost, we want to say that if you’re stuck in a struggle with porn, there is hope.

Our affiliates at Fortify launched a brand new platform, and we want to give them a shout-out because we checked it out, and we think it’s awesome.

Fortify teamed up with psychologists, neurologists, therapists, and other mental health experts to create an online experience that could equip and empower a person to move away from pornography use and toward a happier life.

They worked for years, researching and developing. The initial course launched in 2013 was experienced by about 80,000 people in 155 countries. Based on feedback from early users, the entire training, platform, and experience has been updated, revised, and expanded with extensive opportunities for interaction and growth.

But don’t take our word for it, we want to give you info on this comprehensive recovery platform.

Below is a brief overview of info about the platform, but you can always visit the site directly at to see what it’s all about for yourself. They gave us a  look into the platform, and here’s what we learned.


What is Fortify?

Fortify is a science-based recovery tool to help individuals quit pornography through comprehensive training, real-time analytics, and interactive support so that more people can find greater happiness and lasting love.

For·ti·fy literally means to make strong, or stronger. To strengthen a place, making it defensible and more secure. To impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate or reinforce someone mentally or physically.

Fortify is an online support community for men and women—young and old—seeking lasting freedom from porn. In addition to a series of instructional videos, accompanying training, and detailed recovery analytics Fortify offers many opportunities for individuals to share insights and stories together.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Fortify, the Porn Addiction Recovery Platform

This platform does not replace therapy, while it is encouraged for people seeking therapeutic advice to connect with a counselor or other professional, they can even use Fortify together.

The aim of Fortify is to offer high-quality education, based on the best available research, and technology—combined with opportunities to interact with others seeking this same freedom. Many individuals who are working with a therapist use Fortify as a complementary tool for their overall recovery efforts.

Rather than a “program” to complete, think of Fortify more like a gym for people with many different situations and needs. Here’s what the tracker looks like, a feature that keeps track of setback and victory analytics that can help users determine their strengths and weaknesses in the recovery process:

And now, there’s a brand new community side of the platform available in premium that connects you with others who are fighting the same battle:

Not to mention that the resources from Fortify’s comprehensive training and expert webinars are right there in the dashboard, including *9-12 weeks’ worth of content:

*Available in teen/premium subscriptions.


How much will it cost?

Teens between the ages of 13 – 17 can apply for a free scholarship to the platform. How cool is that? For users 18 and older, there’s also a brand new free version.

If you are interested in accessing all Fortify has to offer you can purchase premium monthly ($9.95), annually ($99), or you can buy a one-time plan ($199). There is even student pricing for those that qualify. That is a serious deal, considering all the cool features of this platform.

Related: Why Porn Can Be Difficult to Quit

The premium subscription allows the developers to maintain and continually improve Fortify. Anyone who signs up for the basic account will have access to a free version for both mobile and desktop along with an ability to invite an ally to access that data to support you on your path toward recovery.

Users with premium subscriptions will be able to attend live webinars with experts in recovery—including professional therapists and people with years of lasting freedom. You will also have access to all the Fortify training videos, strategies, and their full resource library.

A separate payment is involved for those wanting additional support through a coach or peer group, but those awesome features are available and extremely affordable.


How can someone know if they should join?

Try it out for yourself! Fortify offers a completely free, no-strings-attached experience (you don’t even have to enter your credit card info until you’re convinced). The purpose of the free account is to give people a chance to experience Fortify directly for themselves and see if it feels like a good fit. They respect that there are many other kinds of support systems that may also be very helpful.

What it takes to reach lasting freedom can be unique and diverse for different individuals and backgrounds.

Although Fortify is committed to doing everything they can to help support, encourage, and guide people in that direction, they obviously do not have the power to make the changes happen in your own life (or even to know what exactly those changes need to look like for you). That’s for you to find out!

But know that tens of thousands of people from around the world have partnered with Fortify in their recovery journey, with great results. Check out these stats:

If you’re trying to ditch porn for good, you’re going to need some support. And that’s okay! This platform is one way for you try it out. When it comes to recovery, Fortify has your back.

Need help?

For those reading this who feel they are struggling with pornography, you are not alone. Check out Fortify, a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping you find lasting freedom from pornography. Fortify now offers a free experience for both teens and adults. Connect with others, learn about your unwanted porn habit, and track your recovery journey. There is hope—sign up today.


Fight the New Drug may receive financial support from purchases made using affiliate links.

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