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Movement on the Move: Teen Drummer Reps ‘Porn Kills Love’ Tee On Tour (PHOTOS)

Header photo courtesy of Noah Oxendale and A Summer High, shot by Zac Bianco. Meet Noah. An awesome Fighter from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Noah may seem like your average 18-year-old, but he’s...

Header photo courtesy of Noah Oxendale and A Summer High, shot by Zac Bianco.

Meet Noah.

An awesome Fighter from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Noah may seem like your average 18-year-old, but he’s the type of guy that radiates passion and can comfortably talk about subjects that make most people uncomfortable. For example? He isn’t afraid to boldly take a stand on the harmful effects of porn, even on stage.

RelatedFighter Spotlight: This Fighter Walked 500 Miles Across Europe With PKL Tee To Fight Porn

Noah was the drummer for pop/punk rock band, A Summer High (ASH), and he got the brilliant idea to rep the movement on stage while they were on two tours in the last couple years. Thanks to him, Noah’s social media followers, as well as ASH and its growing following, know about the #PornKillsLove movement. He was able to spread the word to thousands of people and catch the attention of countless teens. Check out this tweet from their St. Louis stop:

And again, when they toured in Chicago last summer:

Noah’s Story

Noah learned about Fight The New Drug through social media, and through friends that supported the cause. It wasn’t until many years of struggling with porn that he actually began to investigate the Porn Kills Love movement to see all that it stood for, and how porn was affecting him on a personal level. Noah began to connect the dots of how porn affected his previous relationship, how he looked at women, and how much it was destroying him mentally. Noah became sick of the toll porn was taking on his life, and he finally wanted to fight back, and to proclaim the important truth to everyone around him: “Porn Kills Love.”

“I purchased my PKL shirt about a year ago and it has since been one of my favorite shirts. When an opportunity came up to tour with my band, A Summer High, I knew, of course, I was going to bring the shirt,” Noah said in an interview with FTND last year. “And I certainly loved the reactions I got.”

One of his favorite reactions was from a girl who was taking a picture of the band and politely asked him to cover his classic Porn Kills Love shirt with his flannel because the word “porn” was on it. Instead, he pulled his flannel out of the way and revealed the entire wording on the tee. Her hands immediately covered her mouth in amazement, and thus, a conversation was started.

RelatedFighter Spotlight: Teen Organizes ‘Porn Kills Love’ Party & Presentation

“I’ve gotten many compliments, some from fellow supporters, and others from people curious about what such a shirt really meant,” Noah said. “I’ve also been able to have personal conversations with people, discussing the terrifying truth behind porn, how it affects so many people involved, and how it has personally affected me. I always encourage them to check out the website, and read a few blogs, and just introduce them to the idea that maybe porn isn’t so harmless after all.”

Sometimes, all it takes is a Porn Kills Love tee and an opportunity to talk to people to really get the conversation going and make waves of change.

“I still struggle with porn, and it’s certainly not an easy fight, but it’s worth it,” said Noah. “I’m proud to stand behind this movement and I can’t wait for future opportunities to rep the movement, and to continue to fight for love.”

A post shared by Noah Oxendale (@noahmoxendale) on

Can you spot our “Lover & Fighter” sticker on his board?

We’re fighting for love alongside you, Noah!

Be Like Noah

Porn is harmful and science and research are proving it. Our aim as an anti-porn pro-love movement is to raise as much awareness as possible that porn isn’t natural, it isn’t normal, and it definitely isn’t a healthy part of any meaningful relationship.

So many people in society, especially in our tech-obsessed generation, believe that porn really is just harmless and pleasurable entertainment, and that it can even be a satisfying substitute for love or a significant other. In reality, we are constantly learning that the truth is just the opposite. Porn has been proven to be harmful to the viewer, and it can make single people even lonelier and committed relationships even more difficult. Not cool. The more we get the word out, the more people will know the truth about porn.

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Maybe you’re not in an awesome band, and maybe you don’t have thousands of Twitter followers, but if you’re reading this, you can make a difference and do your part to change the conversation around porn. Every tweet, Instagram pic, and Facebook post add to the massive tidal wave of change we’re seeing in society, changing the conversation and raising awareness that porn is anything but harmless entertainment.

And when you feel alone in the fight, remember that there are over 1.5 million Fighters around the world, including Noah, taking a stand for real love alongside you.

Get Involved

Noah’s story is just one out of millions of Fighters around the globe. You can have the same impact in your community. SHARE this article, rep a tee, or have FTND present in your school!

Want to be featured in a Fighter Spotlight? Message us on Facebook and tell us what you’re doing in your community to raise awareness on the harms of porn!

Spark Conversations

This movement is all about changing the conversation about pornography and stopping the demand for sexual exploitation. When you rep a tee, you can spark meaningful conversation on porn’s harms and inspire lasting change in individuals’ lives, and our world. Are you in? Check out all our styles in our online store, or click below to shop:

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