Positive Side-Effects of Not Watching Porn, According to 90 Real People Article
“Generally speaking, I’m overall happier.” Here are 90 real people’s real benefits and positive side-effects of not watching porn.
“Generally speaking, I’m overall happier.” Here are 90 real people’s real benefits and positive side-effects of not watching porn.
The reality is, when it comes to the “decision” to enter the commercial sex industry, the issue of choice is not as simple as it might seem.
“It can be anything but sexy. The hours are long and grueling. The sets are often stifling because buzzing air conditioners and fans have to be turned off. They often don’t smell too great, either.”
Anyone can be a victim of AI-generated porn. Child actress Kaylin Hayman – one such victim – used her voice to help pass legislation to make this illegal.
Dr. Valerie Voon is a global authority on addiction and the leading researcher in the neuroscience department at the prestigious University of Cambridge in England. According to her…
It’s no secret that porn has become mainstream entertainment in our society. But just how popular is it? And who, exactly, is watching?
It started out of curiosity but had a hold on him for probably at least 4 years. I was crushed, but also felt so naive for not knowing about it.
Talking about sex is tough, leaving harmful sources like porn to fill the gap. Learn how to start the conversation.
Here is a list of just a few ex-porn performers who had successful careers in the porn industry, only to reveal what it’s truly like to be in porn.
Can porn negatively impact you or have negative side effects on your sexual and mental health, and the health of our society? The short answer is yes, and the longer answer requires an explanation of decades of studies.
“Things about porn that used to excite me and turn me on, do nothing but disgust me now. I finally feel clean from watching all that stuff for a decade.”