Kids are curious about sex. Spoiler alert: this is normal and healthy. This natural curiosity can, unfortunately, be hijacked by easy-access pornography, which provides highly unrealistic and unhealthy depictions of “sex,” and is a low-quality substitute for teaching what real relationships and real intimacy look like. In an ideal situation, a child would feel comfortable telling their parents about what they heard in the hallway at school or found on the computer by accident. However, they can often be too scared to say anything or initiate conversation themselves for fear of getting in trouble or not knowing how their parents will react.
In today’s digital age, your kids will likely encounter porn whether you’ve discussed it with them or not—which is why we encourage you to talk with your kids about it in a safe and healthy environment. Trust us, you want your child to ask you about porn, and not the internet. Empower your kids by educating them in an honest and ongoing conversation about the harms of porn.
But how do these conversations start, and how do they continue? Well, you’ve come to the right place! After years of consulting with leading experts and psychologists in the field of porn and relationships, and presenting all over the world to hundreds of thousands of students, we’ve compiled some key advice. Below, you will find tips, stats, and other helpful information so that you can successfully navigate a conversation about porn with your kids.