Fight the New Drug, PO Box 522378, Salt Lake City, UT 84152 | Fight the New Drug is a part of the PHASE Alliance™.
Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!
Brain, Heart, World is such a great, quality documentary series! Looking forward to sharing this! I have a boyfriend who struggles, so I am trying to learn and understand!
“Consider Before Consuming” has changed the way I think. It’s truly a weapon worth carrying into our daily battles. A must-listen-to podcast.
I’m a long-time user of pornography and I know firsthand how destructive its effects are in one’s personal life. I’m deeply changed since abstaining and I would like to do my part to bring awareness to those who are addicted and prevention to young children/adults before they are exposed to it. Thank you for the work that you do! #FTND
I just wanted to thank you for what you all are doing! This is the first time I’ve actually seen a page breaking down the adverse effects of porn.
I really enjoyed not feeling like I’m the only one who has this problem and I’m willing to make big changes to stop my addiction. Thank you so much for making this!
Dear FTND, I just wanted to say thank you. I am a normal tenth-grade girl who was told my whole life that porn was “gross and dirty.” I wanted to understand outside of my own context why it was “bad.” Your website has provided me with the information I needed to justify why I took my stand against pornography. In English class, I was able to speak for 6 minutes about something; I chose the dangers of porn. It wasn’t easy, but my heart breaks for this generation of boys and girls who don’t understand why they can’t seem to have functional relationships. I wanted to do something about it. I have had multiple conversations after my speech, and hope that at least one person began to think about the potential consequences of porn. This hasn’t been easy to talk about it, but having the right information definitely made it easier. Thank you.
I am still working through my own addiction, but either way, it is always nice to know that I am not alone. No one is.
Thank you guys! It is an AMAZING movement that you promote and believe in. I was THRILLED when I found you guys because it’s easy to be bogged down by the heaviness in the world around us to the point that you forget the necessity of standing up and fighting against it. You fight the good fight every day and I am truly honored to be able to, even in a small way, bring attention to that with the shirt on my back.
I wanted to reach out and let you know that this organization is really an incredible resource, especially for other teenagers like me. I chose to write my most recent research paper on the detriments of pornography. I knew it wasn't a good thing, but I was shocked by the sheer number of ways it can negatively impact a person. This paper quickly became priority number one in school. Fight the New Drug provided a lot of information that really benefited me as both a person and a writer. I check in regularly to see what new information is available and always look forward to reading more. Thank you for providing this information for us.
Your page has helped me be able to start conversations and encourage my husband so much! It means a lot that you all work so hard to fight this with science and facts!
FTND has provided me with lots of information regarding the negative reality of the porn industry and the effects viewing pornography has on the consumer. Your website features really informative articles packed with science and facts on the truth about porn and how it affects things like the brain of the consumer, relationships, intimacy, and even society at large. I will support this cause for as long as I live and breathe on this planet. The fact that you aim to impact the most vulnerable of the population, youth, makes me feel like this work needs to continue so long as pornography remains a public health crisis.
I found Fight the New Drug not long after my relationship ended, and while the path has had some speed bumps, I feel so much more free. I feel so much more clear. I feel more whole as a person. I have obtained a clarity when it comes to proper, healthy goals in seeking a lasting, loving relationship. Whenever I rock a FTND t-shirt, it's always a conversation starter—and frankly, it's a conversation that should be happening more often in today's society, and it's a conversation I'm proud to launch in my community.
WOW! That’s an incredibly powerful docuseries. I had a similar experience to one of the guys in the film as a kid, and messed up a lot of my life. It took years of hard work to stop watching porn, and I’m still tempted. This film was so motivational to stay free and focus on healthy relationships and experiencing life.
Absolutely amazing series. Has opened my eyes. I’m a teacher and thinking about how I can use this series to help many of my students who struggle with porn addictions. Thank you for such uplifting but thoughtful content. It is making a difference.
Really great, informative, and beautifully shot. Oh, and with excellent narration.