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Since 2009, we've given visibility to research and personal accounts demonstrating how pornography can negatively impact individuals, relationships, and society. Through this grassroots movement, millions of people have found hope and freedom. We couldn't do this without Fighters like you!

Impact Journal #311
I want to give the people who created Fight the New Drug a million hugs. They’ve spoken out on the dangers and damage of pornography in a way our society so desperately needed. Not to mention, they fight against human trafficking. Thank you!
Impact Journal #215
I was so excited when I found your page. It’s really heartening to see what you guys are doing. Thank you!
Impact Journal #487
This made me cry. My daughter became secretly addicted to porn when she was a young teenager. We ‘lost’ her for 3 years. She was no longer the easy-going, fun, hardworking young lady, but was a slave to an addiction, a shell of who she used to be. With a tremendous amount of hard work and 60 days without access to the internet, she came back. We can trust her again and she is a vibrant family member and happy citizen with positive goals.
Impact Journal #507
I love it! I have a son who struggles with pornography. This movie brought to light clarity on the subject of pornography and that it is a lifelong battle that requires more than just a few therapy sessions. Maybe it was just hopeful thinking that he was probably ‘fine’ at this point. This docuseries made me realize that I need to get my head out of the sand and take a stand and do more than just hope my son is OK. Thank you for that.
Impact Journal #65
I used to make adult content on Tumblr. I believed it was a good way to make money and grow an audience. When I realized that I would be contributing to the downfall of others, I immediately stopped. I then saw how engrossed Tumblr was in porn, even after their iconic porn ban. This organization gives me hope for a better society.
Impact Journal #711
I found FTND while in college, watched all your videos on the negative effects of porn, and made a promise to myself to not watch porn again to protect my brain, and heart.
Impact Journal #79
I am constantly impressed with your articles. The research is great and they are balanced well with their choice of words. I feel people who need to hear this would more likely listen because of the way they are written. They do not attack the consumer so much as they point out how the industry is using them.
Impact Journal #557
What an eye-opening and helpful experience to learn about the underbelly of the pornography industry.
Impact Journal #286
Today marks 6 months of freedom from an addiction I had for about 9 years . . . 6 whole months. I didn’t think that would be possible! But I chose to fight, to keep fighting, and still choose to fight (even though it’s tough), and I’ve almost felt the rewiring in my brain! This freedom has allowed me to love my friends so much more than I ever could before because my heart hasn’t been split between a screen and my friends. I think I’m happier, more content, and better at loving than I was in my early 20’s! Happy happy days.
Impact Journal #187
Your organization helped me gain perspective, courage, and joy. The principles were truly critical, and I want to give back.
Impact Journal #142
Love what y’all do! I always knew porn was harmful but it wasn’t till a friend told me about you guys that I learned more of the “whys". You’ve really helped me understand the issue so I could have informed and healthy conversations with my boyfriend!
Impact Journal #197
Thank you for putting the information out there! I keep sharing your page with people and will continue to do so
Impact Journal #98
Thank you for speaking out on the facts around this. Most people still don’t understand how porn impacts partners because it’s still so acceptable in our society.
Impact Journal #437
Thank you so much for the resource of your documentary! I have been trying to learn about the effects of pornography but so much of the content out there is very scattered and not cited. I appreciate your work and want to support this movement!